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Homosexuality was not intended by SS Rajamouli. It goes without saying that a majority of Indians see 'RRR' as a two-hero movie about two friends who were revolutionaries. Also love that his characters name is just Protagonist. JDW is your typical cool badass, but plays it perfectly. This kind of reading has been described as 'queer reading'. Great first movie to watch back in theaters. Recently, writing for Firstpost, a columnist wrote, 'The kink of whipping your lover, the eros of undressing their feverish bodies, the intensity of feeling - both love and hate - between the leading men in RRR lends itself effortlessly to a queer reading of the homosocial as the homosexual.' Some Indians, too, see 'RRR' as a gay love story. But why did none of you tell me 'RRR' was so heartwarmingly gay?' This is just one of the social media posts that say Jr NTR and Ram Charan's characters share a homosexual attraction in the movie.Īnd this line of thinking is not limited to Westerners.

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In a tweet praising the Rajamouli directorial, a Twitter user named Movie Bear Jim from the West wrote, 'Jaw-dropping action, yes. Ever since it started streaming on Netflix and ZEE5 recently, many are catching it up and making their own strange readings. 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram' has been described by several Western Netizens as a gay movie.

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